About us
The Brooklyn Community Centre is managed by the Brooklyn Community Association (BCA). Whereas most community centres are owned by Wellington City Council the Brooklyn Community Centre is owned, run and maintained by the BCA. The Wellington City Council owns and maintains the Community Centre grounds and play equipment at 18 Harrison Street.
The BCA is made up of a voluntary Management Committee elected by the community at an Annual General Meeting in September each year. The Management Committee is responsible for governance and policy issues and employs the paid staff. The staff are responsible for the day to day running of the Brooklyn Community Centre and Childcare Programmes.
If you would like to get involved with the Brooklyn Community Association, or have suggestions for us, please get in touch.

75th Anniversary 🎉
In 2022 the Brooklyn Community Association celebrated 75 years since its incorporation. At our market on 17 September 2022 we celebrated this milestone with guest of honour, Gwen Devereux, who was involved from the beginning of the Association in 1947 and was on the committee for many years, achieving an astounding number of initiatives for the Brooklyn community.
Local councillor, Fleur Fitzsimons, also attended and alongside BCA President, Sonya Bissmire, unveiled a restored plaque that was originally carved for the 40th anniversary of the BCA and had been languishing for decades in a storage cupboard.